EDS Wireless E-Paper Development Kit

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This development kit provides a hand held low power battery operated device promoting our 1.44 inch EPD. This kit also highlights Microchip’s PIC24 family microprocessor with USB functionality, wireless connectivity, and graphical user interface.

Linear Technology provides battery management and system power. The external connector exposes 16 processor pins for custom development. This kit incorporates a low power, sunlight readable high resolution display with a 180 degree viewing angle. This kit also provides connectivity through Microchip’s low power wireless module, Bluetooth low energy module, USB and asynchronous serial communication. Depending on local wireless requirements, selecting an appropriate demo kit will allow the user operate in the approved 863-870MHz, 902-928 MHz or 2.4 GHz spectrum.

The USB provides host connectivity to external hardware memory devices and printers. USB device mode is also supported. Lithium-ion rechargeable battery management is achieved by using Linear Technology charger and coulomb counting gas gauge solution.

There are three push buttons for navigating the graphical user interface. Also included is a low power 32 kHz clock for real time clock calendar functionality. This demo kit is feature rich and provides the developer a great project head start.

Central to the design is the PIC24FJ256GB106 and implements the USB, file I/O, graphics and MiWi software libraries. The firmware utilizes Microchips latest application library v2015_05_15. The design utilizes a state-machine cooperative multitasking approach to handle the graphic display interface, file I/O, USB events and radio communications.

Visit www.electronicdesignsolutions.net/what-s-new/ for more information.


  • Supports driving 1.44” EPD Panels with Aurora_Mb and Aurora_Ma FPL films
  • Provides Microchip MPLAB® X project source with the full benefit of the Microchips library for applications source code. The code utilizes the Graphic, USB and MiWi library source code
  • Off the shelf enclosure
  • Modular design for future expansion boards to include an interface to MikroElectronika’s portfolio of CLICK boards through the Mikrobus connection. Currently in design, a fully integrated wireless li-Ion battery charger expansion board.
  • The 20 pin P2 micro connector provides an easy path to integrate features of ePaper into your product
Electronic Design Solutions